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The Bronze Ring of Time

A young and noble squire named Arthur Had a love for a fair maiden, Martha But she was betrothed to a cruel lord Who kept her locked in his castle hoard Arthur sought a way to free his dear And learned of a magic ring most queer A bronze ring that could bend the flow of time And grant the wearer power sublime He journeyed far across the land and sea To find the ring of ancient mystery He faced many dangers and ordeals But never faltered in his zeal At last he reached a hidden cave Where dwelt a sage both wise and grave He asked him for the ring of bronze And listened to his words with awe The sage said: "This ring is not for thee It is a gift from God, you see It was once worn by a master great Who used it for a noble fate He travelled through the ages vast And witnessed many wonders past He taught the people truth and grace And left behind a blessed trace But he foretold that one would come Who would misuse the ring for wrong He would unleash a dreadful doom And bring the world t

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